First I need to say that blogger is still not letting me upload images. I keep getting weird server errors so I am not sure what is going on.
I do want to quickly say that I have updated my calender through the end of June. Please go to my
WEBSITE and look under my schdule section to see what dates and times I have available still. I am crazy booked for March and most of April although there are a few dates left in April. For June I will booking only one appointment at the beginning of the month because I am doing a trip to Alaska to do photos and will be taking sessions while I am there. That will for sure fill me up for the month will more than enough editing. (0:
I am so very excited to go. We moved from Washougal to
Prince of Wales Island and a town called
Craig when I was a freshman. I was devastated and it was really hard on me at first but I really did end up loving it there. I got off the rock (as we like to call it) just weeks after graduation and moved back here. The last time I visited was 5 years ago so it has been a while. Ben and Zach will be going with me and fat baby gets to get loved by grandma and grandpa here at home. Anyways Ben has never been and I am beyond excited for him to go and experience "real" fishing. He thinks a 10lb fish is big. I always laugh hysterically when he says this. So anyways just wanted to share this fun news. Go lookie at the calendar if you want any spring/early summer pictures. I am getting new appointments booked just about every single day so make sure to contact me soon.