Wednesday, July 16, 2008
where are the posts huh?
well about 2 1/2 days ago one of my editing program files went corrupt, meaning I lost all the edits on weeks and weeks worth of sessions. ugh. But don't panic, it wasn't the original photographs, just the stuff that was in process of editing. I back all my photos up so nothing was lost except my edits on those. Anyways it has been sent off to a very sweet guy at adobe who is trying to repair my catalog (he says today hopefully) so please cross your fingers for me that I get it back repaired so I don't have to do a bunch of work all over again. (0: Anyways that is why there is no new posts. Hopefully by tonight! In the meantime, help todd and ivy out and put some more comments on Teagan's photos. They almost have enough for their free photos. whooo hooo!
Monday, July 14, 2008
look at all you little blogstalkers you....... and my schedule is up!!! whooo hoooo
So I am seriously cracking up at all of you. It is so fun to see you all come out of nowhere and start commenting. whooo hoooo. I know it is a bit intimidating at first but I promise it makes my day to see comments so please keep them coming. I always here random people say they blog stalk me and my hubby had someone confess to him this weekend when I wasn't with him (ahhhhhemmmm Lyndsey, you have been caught ha ha). I blog stalk quite a few people too so it is nice to know I am not the only one (0: Anyways I know I promised peeks every day this week but I promise to do extra good tomorrow night. Right now I am working on the tail end of the beautiful wedding I posted shots of the other day. Maria and Tommy are waiting so patiently so my time must be dedicated to that for the next day or so until it is up. I promise to return with more sharing.
Oh and I have a ton of you that were anxiously awaiting my schedule to be released for the rest of the summer, through the end of the year. Guess what? It's up and filling quickly to say the least. Please go check it out on my main site here, go to schedule and then pick your dates for summer sessions or christmas pictures and email me real quick like to claim your spot! I will not be squeezing in sessions at the last minute come holiday time and the spots will go quick so please don't make me have to turn you away. That would make me sad.
Oh and I have a ton of you that were anxiously awaiting my schedule to be released for the rest of the summer, through the end of the year. Guess what? It's up and filling quickly to say the least. Please go check it out on my main site here, go to schedule and then pick your dates for summer sessions or christmas pictures and email me real quick like to claim your spot! I will not be squeezing in sessions at the last minute come holiday time and the spots will go quick so please don't make me have to turn you away. That would make me sad.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
i am a hippie at heart so she says..........Polka Dot Photography/Portland, OR Photographer
So this one was my funnies client yet probably. She is from Texas and is here doing her internship for her degree in fashion design. She leaves in about a week to go back and graduate and I was the lucky one she picked to do her college graduation photos. We joked the whole time that she was a hippie, when in fact she put me in check after we got back and I changed into my white summer skirt and long green dress shirt and flip flops. She assured me I was a hippie and was just in denial about it. It was pretty funny and cute with her sweet Texas accent. I loved it. I love fun clients!

Senior photo sessions are upon us. Contact Polka Dot Photography to book your senior 2009 photos sessions in the Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR areas. Most schools require the photos to be turned in for the yearbook shortly after school starts in September. If you are a senior at Battle Ground, Castle Rock or Washougal High School go find one of my reps at your school to get their card for a special offer!

Senior photo sessions are upon us. Contact Polka Dot Photography to book your senior 2009 photos sessions in the Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR areas. Most schools require the photos to be turned in for the yearbook shortly after school starts in September. If you are a senior at Battle Ground, Castle Rock or Washougal High School go find one of my reps at your school to get their card for a special offer!
Friday, July 11, 2008
smash the cake gone wrong ...... Polka Dot Photography/ Vancouver, WA baby photographer
Well I guess it didn't go wrong but for sure different then my previous smash the cake sessions. The prior little stinkers had cake in every fold of their cute 1 year old chub. There was no inch on their cute little polka dot cakes that went untouched. But this one......there was something different about her. Can you tell what it is? OH yeah, a neat freak baby. It was hilarious! She wanted nothing to do with getting messy no matter how much frosting we tried to put on her tongue. She just wasnt having it, unless she was sitting on daddy's lap and he was feeding it to her. It was sad at first to both her mom and I, but then we realized how funny it was and that the screaming shots were fantastic on their own. See, smiling faces don't always produce the best pictures and this just proves it. It puts a smile on my face seeing this series.........and oh my goodness, is she not seriously the most gorgeous baby you have ever seen? No this isn't just me babbling, I am being really serious. Fat baby has been pre-arranged to marry her. har har.
** Todd and Ivy, if you get 25 people to comment on this post, you will get a free mounted 11x14 image of your choice from your session**

** Todd and Ivy, if you get 25 people to comment on this post, you will get a free mounted 11x14 image of your choice from your session**

A beautiful wedding....... Polka Dot Photography style/Portland, OR Wedding Photographer
I shot this wedding the day after we got back from Alaska. It was so much fun and the B&G and their family have been so patient waiting for their gallery to go up. It is almost finished and this sneak peek is I am sure going to put a smile on their faces. Thank you Maria and Tommy for having me there on your special day!
The anticipation shows here. I just love the look on her face as she waits to see herself in the dress. Gives me the tingles.

This one was just too sweet not to show on here. The wind kept catching her hair so Tommy tried to fix it for her. It was so sweet.

Can't remember what made everyone laugh but I just loved this shot.

Officially married! yay!


This might not be for some people but I loved this shot of the wind catching her vail.

And of course you gotta do the reservoir dogs shot. Except they didn't all have shades. Still cool though.

The first dance

And the best for last. At least it is my favorite anyways. oh I just can't tell you how much I love this one.
The anticipation shows here. I just love the look on her face as she waits to see herself in the dress. Gives me the tingles.

This one was just too sweet not to show on here. The wind kept catching her hair so Tommy tried to fix it for her. It was so sweet.

Can't remember what made everyone laugh but I just loved this shot.

Officially married! yay!


This might not be for some people but I loved this shot of the wind catching her vail.

And of course you gotta do the reservoir dogs shot. Except they didn't all have shades. Still cool though.

The first dance

And the best for last. At least it is my favorite anyways. oh I just can't tell you how much I love this one.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Still alive and kickin....yes I am and photos from Alaska
I know, I know, I know.....I have been bad about posting sneak peeks on the blog since I got back. It is with good reason though. I am so slammed that I haven't had time. I also have been promising to release my schedule through the end of the year now that I am all booked through July. I know a ton of you are waiting for me to do that and it was my goal tonight. There are also quite a few of you waiting on seeing some sneak peeks from your session and they will be popping up. I will make a promise to get a new peek up every day for the next week. Did I seriously just dig myself in a hole or what? (0: Thank you to my so very patient clients that I love so much. You guys rock!!! beautiful pictures to come soon. To tie you over, I figured it is about time to share some photos from our trip to Alaska. Hubby took some so I can't take all the credit. I love all them. And see my huge fish? I wasn't kidding was I?
Cori and I realin in the big butt (halibut for you non fishing people)

see what the fuss was about? And on my birthday too. Cori always looks so cute in, not so much. ha ha.

yes, we clean our catch. Where are the boys at? Alaska girls kick hiney!

Us, minus fat baby, who got to stay at home and get loves from grandma and grandpa. We sure missed him though.

So angry at myself for cutting off one side of its face. grrr. Anyways this was at in Kasaan in the old totem pole park. There used to not be a road to get to Kassan but there is now so it cool to go to.

Zachy always find love wherever he goes.

in the sand at sandy beach

It seriously never gets old seeing whales. You can see it on Cori's face and JR sees them everyday and they still bring a smile to his face too. (0:

JR is the best fishing guide ever. If you want to go to alaska or are planning a trip there, you must go to Craig and you must go out fishing with Catch A King Charters. They are amazing, their lodge is amazing, their cooks are amazing (wink wink) and they have the best guides. We came back with so much it is crazy! Their website is

Cathedral Rock...isn't it beautiful? This is where we caught the big butt too!

another totem out in kassan. Did you know we got to help carve one of the totem poles in craig in high school? It was so fun and how many people can say they carved a totem pole? not many.

Ben was in awe with the beauty there and it was so fun. Amazing to say the least and I cried when I left. It has been 6 1/2 years since I was there last and yet it seemed like I was there a year ago. I could never live there again as I am too much a city girl now but we have promised to go visit once a year now. This was Ben's first time and I can probably say it is probably his best vacation ever. So many amazing friends there that I miss so much and family that is not technically my family, but as close to family as I have. We miss you guys all soooooooo much and can't wait to see you next year.
Cori and I realin in the big butt (halibut for you non fishing people)

see what the fuss was about? And on my birthday too. Cori always looks so cute in, not so much. ha ha.

yes, we clean our catch. Where are the boys at? Alaska girls kick hiney!

Us, minus fat baby, who got to stay at home and get loves from grandma and grandpa. We sure missed him though.

So angry at myself for cutting off one side of its face. grrr. Anyways this was at in Kasaan in the old totem pole park. There used to not be a road to get to Kassan but there is now so it cool to go to.

Zachy always find love wherever he goes.

in the sand at sandy beach

It seriously never gets old seeing whales. You can see it on Cori's face and JR sees them everyday and they still bring a smile to his face too. (0:

JR is the best fishing guide ever. If you want to go to alaska or are planning a trip there, you must go to Craig and you must go out fishing with Catch A King Charters. They are amazing, their lodge is amazing, their cooks are amazing (wink wink) and they have the best guides. We came back with so much it is crazy! Their website is

Cathedral Rock...isn't it beautiful? This is where we caught the big butt too!

another totem out in kassan. Did you know we got to help carve one of the totem poles in craig in high school? It was so fun and how many people can say they carved a totem pole? not many.

Ben was in awe with the beauty there and it was so fun. Amazing to say the least and I cried when I left. It has been 6 1/2 years since I was there last and yet it seemed like I was there a year ago. I could never live there again as I am too much a city girl now but we have promised to go visit once a year now. This was Ben's first time and I can probably say it is probably his best vacation ever. So many amazing friends there that I miss so much and family that is not technically my family, but as close to family as I have. We miss you guys all soooooooo much and can't wait to see you next year.
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