Half way happy and half way sad. Man I need a break to breathe but I love it too. However the next few weeks off are much needed. I should correct myself and say I am done taking them, just not done edited them. I still have a few more days of that. I had my last two sessions today. I had one yesterday too and lucky it was a friend because I conned her into taking our family photos for me too. Made me mucho happy as I refuse to go to the mall and have them done. You did great on our photos Magin! Thanks again! So anyways, there are a crud load of pictures for me to post from sessions over the last month. I am going to try and do a few a day. Tonight I am going to start with a few that I took of my kiddos yesterday and one that Magin took of us after I was done with her photos shoot. So for those of you that have no idea what I look like, here I am. (0: Hope everyone in our area enjoyed the snowfall today. I am excited to take the boys up in the snow this year. Zach will love it. Jack Jack is too little but I need pictures. One can never have too many. More pictures coming tomorrow (0:

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