Also the end of November is also the deadline for ordering any prints. There is a rush order fee applied to any orders not placed by the deadline so make sure to get them to me on time. All galleries will be purged from the system in December as well.
There no longer is a waiting list for those of you that were unable to get appointments with me. I am booked solid plus some and have been for months. There is no way to get anybody else on the schedule until after the first of the year so if you are need of photographer still please, please let me know and I have some fabulous friends that I can refer you to.
My blog and site are going to be getting a revamp over the holidays and the new and improved Polka Dot Photography will launch Jan 1st (maybe sooner). I am NOT booking sessions for 2009 as of yet but will hopefully start mid December to release dates.
Last a fun share since I have severely neglected all my loyal blog readers. Thanks for all the emails hounding me about posting something. har har. You don't realize how many people actually read until you don't post. Love you all, it is just crazy around here but I am loving every minute of it.
I sware these kids could be models. I have another shoot with the whole gorgeous family tomorrow and am very much looking forward to meeting the rest of the kiddos.

and I have been told that my basket has been nicknamed the pineapple basket by blog readers. I love it and am so referring to it as such now. (0;

Peek a book

The FABulous hats by miss Nuxie made. What a fab christmas present these would make. I rock the adult one everywhere I go and get so many compliments. The little boys ones are adorable too. Go check out her site and tell her I sent ya! Click HERE for the link.

and last but surely not least. I scored this killer high chair on my way to pick z man up from school a few months ago. I am love with it. This was his first food. How cool is it that I got to take pictures of his very first food. I love my job.